Elena Valdez

Dr. Elena Valdez received her PhD in English from Rice University in 2019. Her areas of teaching and research include American Studies, Mexican American literature and culture, Southwest Studies, and folklore. Her research has been published in Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures and in Religion: Super Religion, an edited volume of the Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbook series on religion. Dr. Valdez returned to her home state of New Mexico after completing her doctorate, and she currently works as the Hispanic Education Specialist in the Language & Culture Division of the New Mexico Public Education Department. Dr. Valdez’s choice to return to New Mexico reflects her deep love of the people and places that have shaped her. When she isn’t working on public education projects, Dr. Valdez enjoys running in the Santa Fe arroyos, painting, and spending time with her family, especially her daughter, Zenaida.



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